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HL2RP Citizen Roleplay Basics

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HL2RP Citizen Roleplay Basics Empty HL2RP Citizen Roleplay Basics

Post by NuggetandSkull Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:14 pm

Quite often people make citizens in the hopes of making a rebel. Quite often these citizens are dumb enough to state openly (many times in front of a unit) that they 'haet teh cumbeans'. Not only will this get you beaten fiercely/amputated/'retaught' but it is the opposite of how a rebel would act. This guide will cover the different citizens and how each would act. This guide is not meant to restrict character creation, but rather to give basic context for each person, considering how each situation is vastly different.

Average Citizen
Your generic run-of-the-mill citizen. These people work just like everyone else. Some won't like the Union while others may not care one way or another. They have learned their place in society so they have also learned not to draw attention to themselves in public. Many times these citizens will commit minor infractions (ex: loitering) and nothing more. They are malnourished, weak, and won't speak up outside of the 'safety' of their apartments. These citizens should be the most common and easiest to Roleplay as.
RP examples:

Bad: Derp Donglord flexes his massive pecks, dwarfing everyone around him because he's taller than the doorway.

Now this is an example of poor RP as a generic citizen. He didn't show his opinion on the Union so he did something right but if you're barely getting enough nutrients to live on you wouldn't be able to dwarf everyone in your huge shadow caused by your mega muscles.

Good: John Smith looks up from his plate of cold mush, his eyes locking on the unit in front of him. He straightens his postures and speaks wearily. "No sir. I did not know this cafe is closing. I'll move elsewhere." He pushes his chair back and stands up.

This citizen is believable. He's not a super buff chick magnet and easily gave in to the unit telling him to leave. Some citizens would question the unit and maybe even get angry but the average citizen wouldn't dare attack a unit.

Loyalist Citizen
A Loyalist is a citizen who goes out of their way to get out of the Union's way. In short, a Loyalist is a citizen that has either accepted the Union colonization or is sucking up for better treatment. Loyalists can range from being simply someone who will do anything for food to a serious 'fan' that turns in people dumb enough to ask them to join a rebellion. As being Loyalist means little they are treated about the same as a citizen. How well they are known and for what they are known for might get them a little more slack from a unit but Loyalists are expected to obey laws. A clean record might even help them take another step up the ladder of importance. Loyalists should be easier to roleplay as than an average citizen. Complete neutrality can be something tough to pull off so picking a side at first could help.
RP examples:

Bad: Mr. Goodytwoshoes points to a group of citizens at the end of an alley and yells, "They're having a meeting!" After a unit confronts the men they disperse. The man who yelled struts over to the unit and salutes him. "I am ready for my reward!"

This isn't really a bad RP example but I do see quite a few cocky citizens thinking they will be rewarded for every little thing they do. The saluting bit is actually pretty bad. Loyalists may be loyal but no citizen salutes a unit, no matter how loyal and respectable they are. The citizen also yelled out an assumption. For all he knew they could have simply been cleaning up the alley (as impossible as that sounds, my citizen would do it without being told).

Good: Humble Stevenson steps out of the unit's way, nodding lightly. "Pardon me, sir," he mumbles. He picks up an empty can of water sitting on a window sill and starts towards a trashcan.

Again, not really a good RP example but it shows a citizen who submits easily, shows respect, and does boring jobs without being told to. Most Loyalists won't get a chance to reveal a ‘webul’ they won't be obvious in a crowd.

UCN  Citizen
These guys have mostly perfect records (maybe a warning for loitering but nothing major) and have proven to be somewhat useful to the Union. Many join the UCN for better treatment, better food, and better opportunities while some join to try to make a difference. My citizen joined the UCN in the hopes that those around him would strive to do better (my citizen went from being a sub-citizen to being a CP and part of the UCN). These citizens have better treatment, tend to be better fed, and live a less stressful life. However to keep this faction from being pretty much a super citizen the UCN members surrender all their privacy. This prevents rebels being part of the UCN (unless they are good RPers) and they can get away with almost nothing. They can be removed and barred from the UCN if they commit any semi-major crimes. They are held at higher IC and OOC standards.
RP examples:

Bad: Snobby McSnobberson raises his nose in the air and stares down at the citizen through his monocle. He scoffs and pushes up his tuxedo coattails. "Scum," he hisses vehemently.

Now, some UCN members will act like this but they wouldn't be important enough for such fancy attire (those that are won't be out in public much).

Good: Mr. Phancie Shmancie smiles at the citizen and sits beside him. "Don't worry. The Union will be sure to handle your situation fairly."

This short example shows how UCN members are to help enhance RP. These citizens are expected to act civil at all times and help out in any way they can, even if it's something as simple as comforting a citizen who just lost a friend to something as complex as helping in the hospital when no medical unit is available.

Off-duty units
The top of the citizen ladder, off-duty units are privileged with the best treatment (especially if they're in the UCN), best food, and tend to be in pretty good shape. Though they are not to be treated as a unit if off-duty (recruits saluting a seemingly normal citizen could get quite a few people dead, including the recruit) these off-duty units tend to get little more than a slap on the hand when breaking a minor law. They have about the same expectations ICly and OOCly that UCN members have. They are to report any wrong doings to an on-duty unit or memorize what happened and make sure the citizen that broke the law is apprehended and dealt with.
RP examples:

Bad: Buff Von Superman pushes through the crowd snarling. He rams into anyone in his way and yells, "I'm a CP! You better respect me and kiss my boots!"

Being overly rough tends to attract attention and get you pinned for uncivil behavior. Yelling you're a unit will get you killed. You better hope a merciful rebel kills you before a higher ranking unit gets hold of you.

Good: Avorag Mayn watches the fight end. He makes a mental note of the men in the fight and quietly slips out of the bar.

Like a boss this OD quietly watched a fight and made sure to memorize those who were in the fight. He drew no attention to himself and has enough evidence to detain and punish the fighters.

One of the toughest groups to roleplay (correctly) as, rebels require a lot of work to develop and to keep alive. Rebels are, for lack of a better description, just like average citizens. They do not try to attract attention to themselves. In fact, they try their best to stay out of public eye and you won't ever see them commit a crime (if you do you're somewhere you shouldn't be or this rebel is a webul). Rebels are against the Union but they don't always hate all units. Some respect units for doing their job well while hating units that abuse their job. A rebel that comes out and instantly proclaims they 'haet teh cum beans' will not only be amputated but there's a good chance they will be PKed. A mass rebellion (something along the lines of what happened after Gordon showed up) is unheard of. There are cells within the cities but right now the most violent acts of rebellion going on is a group jumping an unwary patrol. Even then that's rare. Your citizen can hate the Combine all they want but they need a reason to rebel. Yeah, it could be the generic 'teh cum beans kilt mah parents' but make it more unique. Rebels should also have an idea of what they should do and when it should be done. Impulse actions can and will get them killed quickly.
RP examples:

Bad: Badass McMotherfucker pulls his pistol out in public and yells, "Die you mask sons of bitches!" He shoots the units in the head and runs away and gets away with it.

This example may seem a bit on the obvious bad side but, to be honest, this is how some people would see a rebel as. Instant marksman and master escape artist. Sure, some of them are talented but none of them can kill a unit in the open in a heavily trafficked area. Just remember that rebels are subtle and tend to work slowly.

Good: Supersly Sneakyson peeks around the warehouse corner, the district completely clear. On the table behind him was a rather normal looking pipe but inside was the parts to a pistol. The pipe was sealed. He nods to the man behind him. "No units are here," he whispers. "Move the tube to the back and start to unpack it."

The good thing about this guy is he's careful. Yes, warehouse is a bad place to be but units require a second CP to be with them if they want to check the warehouses. A smart rebel would notice this and utilize times where the patrols are diminished but always be alert. Notice how he whispered even though no units are around? He didn't want to risk being heard. Smart man.

End Notes
This is only a guide for generic citizens of each class. You are not required to conform to this guide in any way. It was made to help newer players understand their role in life and the roles of others while still developing their character. I even suggest you don't follow this guide at all! The guide provides the frame but you create the character. Ever had your teacher tell you to color inside the lines? With characters, color on the outside. Be creative. Make someone new and interesting that we all want to RP with! Hope to see you on the server!

Posts : 124
Join date : 2014-03-26
Age : 30
Location : The Guide Sweatshop


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